New Year, New U, What Will It Be?

New Year, New U, What Will It Be?

New year, New U? What will it be?
I’m going to go with… New year, an Evolved Me.

2020 was quite a year.

I experienced some highs along with some lows (many of the lows were shared experiences with people across the globe).

I believe the year 2020 left me with an increased ability and desire to show empathy and care for others while also leaving me with an increased self-awareness and confidence in my abilities.

Towards the end of the year, I pondered a lot about my life’s purpose, I believe from time to time we all do and should!

Did I discover my answer in my moments of soul-searching?…NO, I did not.

And, to-date,  I still have no idea and, I’m not even sure that I’m close to discovering the answer.

But, what I will say is that in those moments,  the thought that kept popping into my head is one concerning my many talents. 

I am a woman with many gifts, one blessed with many talents; yet I often question whether I am maximizing my gifts, or should I use a more commonly used phrase,…”maximizing my potential.”  

I believe that I was sent here (born) with many talents, some of which I have discovered and nurtured, some of which I believe I’ve yet to hone and still, others remain unknown.

However, the ones I’m aware of, I believe were not meant to be kept to myself.


I actually believe that I was sent here with many talents, to share with the world.

I often think of the bible verse that speaks about the master and his servants, excuse my paraphrasing as I try to tell the story….

In the bible verse [The parable of the talents Matthew 25:14–30], the master had 3 servants, to each one of the 3 servants, the master gave a different number of talents. One servant got 1, another got 2, and the third servant got 5. No detailed instructions were given to the servants in regard to what to do with the talents, aside from, take care of it. Each servant basically had the freedom to act and do with their talent(s) as they saw fit, using their best judgement and according to their ability.

In the end, only one of the servants made the master unhappy because that servant acted and was ruled by fear. Because of fear, that servant chose to hide their talent, for safe keeping, thinking that they were going to make the master happy.  All the while, the other servants invested their talents, and doubled what they were given.

So eventually, for the fearful servant, their feared outcome became the actualized outcome. They did not please their master and their master was very unhappy with them.


Very sad to see how fear can be so crippling and misleading, keeping us from doing what we know we should do and allowing us to bring punishment upon ourselves.

Definitely not the way to be!

So, it is with this mindset that I started the year. In fact, it is this mindset that inspired U IN MUM, the website/blog. Among other contributing factors,  I love to write, I love to share information with others that I think may be helpful or even make them laugh.  U IN MUM is one of the outlets that allow me to share some of my talents and I have enjoyed the journey so far.

Looking forward, I hope to continue to share one or more of my talents, whether it is storytelling in one of the mummy-focused blogs about self-care or in sharing the eventful events of simply living life as a mummy, I hope you’ll continue to join me on this journey.

I am dedicating this blog to all the women out there wearing the many hats that come with motherhood.  I want you all to count that as a talent too because trust me, a day in a life of a mother is never an ordinary day, yet you all continue to show up for yourself and for your loved ones, every single day.

U Rock!

Let’s continue to uplift each other and support each other.

Until the next post, just know that I’m always here rooting for U and sending encouraging words your way.

Let’s make 2021 a year of Living Out Loud really and truly.
We all know that tomorrow is not promised so let’s continue to cherish our todays by living our best life however we define it.

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Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!