What They Forgot To Tell You About Pregnancy Series

What They Forgot To Tell You About Pregnancy Series

When I was younger, the older people always spoke of having a baby like it was something that happened so easily. You know, a given for any and everybody that did “THE NASTY.” They made it seem as if the moment the thought popped into your mind, you would magically get pregnant.

I was lectured countless times, at home, in church, at random gatherings: No Sex Until Marriage, or you will get pregnant and have a baby out of wedlock, which was frowned upon to say the very least. 

Even while playing as a child, I was being programmed to think this way and chances are, you were too.

You remember singing it, that childhood nursery rhyme,

…First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes [Insert Your Name] With The Baby Carriage.

Everyone made it seem like it was just that easy, SEX EQUALS PREGNANCY, not to mention the DISEASES THAT WERE SURE TO KILL YOU! [Ok, while this is mostly true, they omitted some stuff, but we’ll come back to this later.]

As an adult, I followed the programming. I believed that Babies Are Easy To Come By and The Entire World Knew That. I figured that when I found my lifetime partner, and we both felt ready, THEN, we could figure out our family plan.

Yep, that’s what the doctors call it, FAMILY PLANNING.

As in, you plan when you want to start your family. As in, you can literally look at the calendar and be like, hmmm, I want to have a baby in the summer because it will be warm, school will be out, and I’ll have more people around me to help.  Then, you literally count backwards, “9 months,” conceive and BOOM, out comes the baby “9 months” later.

I thought that I could dream about it, put it on my vision board or digital version, as a TO-DO, and it would happen.


Well, if you believe what I was thinking at the time,  then the answer may be shocking to you. 

The answer is…Not Exactly. Getting pregnant may be easy for some but, It’s Definitely Not The Case For Everybody, and YOU may very well be included in the “EVERYBODY.”

There are so many things that I wish somebody told me about pregnancy and the process of having a baby that I’ve decided to do an entire “WHAT THEY FORGOT TO TELL YOU SERIES” on it.  I hope that the series will help to clear up any misunderstanding around pregnancy and help to fill in the gaps in the info passed down from the older generation as “ADVICE.” 

You know what they say, there are two sides, well, three sides to every story, your side(Your Wishes/Wants), their side(Your Childhood Programming/Advice from the older folks) and the truth(According to Mother Nature and The Doctors).

In this series,  you will get THE REAL, REAL Behind The Scenes of Bringing A Tiny Human Into The World.

Some Topics To Be Covered: 

  1. It Takes 9 Months To Have A Baby. Ok, this one completely blind-sided me and I don’t want the same thing to happen to you. So I’m going to ease you into it.
  2. Getting Pregnant/Conceiving Is Easy. Yep, that’s a NEGATIVE! This is definitely not true for everybody and I’ll tell you some reasons why just having intercourse doesn’t just bring forth a child for everyone, every time.
  3. Once you get pregnant, it’s smooth sailing from there, you are just counting days until the baby comes. Umm, ANOTHER NEGATIVE! They forgot to tell you about the Symptoms, Physical Changes, Emotional Rollercoasters, yep, all this and more.
  4. The process is predictable, and you will have a baby at the end, The Natural Way. Ok, I don’t even know where to begin with this one, but I’ll start somewhere. Just get ready!
  5. A Whole Lot More!

Ok, that’s it for now. I just wanted to put this into your mind so that you can mentally prepare yourself for the upcoming blog posts.  Hopefully you’ll clarify some things you think you know about, learn about stuff that you maybe didn’t know about, or be reminded of your experiences and know that you are not alone.

Leave a comment below about the topic/s you are most looking forward to and be sure to check back soon to keep up with the series.


Dr. U
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4 years ago

So true! It’s important to talk about this and sooooo many other things so we finally stop feeling inadequate, abnormal, weird…alone. In so many “obvious” aspects of our lives, reality is far from it. I can’t wait to hear your perspective on this topic Uti! Looking forward to future blog posts.

Lana Ewing-Van Hove
Lana Ewing-Van Hove
4 years ago

No one talks about the impact it has on your relationship with your significant other. It changes everything when you are confirmed pregnant. Life is never the same. I’m no saying it’s awful. Your perspectives change. The key seems to be communicating and accepting each other’s expectations. A baby changes everything.

Joyce Ann
Joyce Ann
4 years ago

I had never really heard of the “Fourth Trimester” until I was dealing with it. Whether you have a baby at the end of the process or not, the post-pregnancy recovery can be a major surprise (physically, emotionally, etc.).

QueenEsther Ekanem
QueenEsther Ekanem
4 years ago

This is amazing. Omg! the lies our parent told us. Even up till today, I am still scares of sex at 32 years old because I just think once I have sex, I will be pregnant. As a single lady, I do not want a baby with marriage. Coming from a Nigerian and Christian background, my mom will kill me. I am interested in topic 2 “Getting pregnant/Conceiving is Easy”

Excited to read more.

Nicole H.
Nicole H.
4 years ago

I’m not a mother…..yet but this was a powerful read. I too use to think that child birth is easy. I’m wiser now, but yet I’m sure I still don’t completely get it. I look forward to this series. Awesome work Dr. U!!

Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!