Perseverance Is The Key

Perseverance Is The Key

Under our Mum-and-Career blog topics, we’ve talked about a number of things including confidence. As mums, we need to have a lot more confidence in ourselves and our abilities and this applies to all things including our professional lives. Along with confidence, we also need what some refer to as the key to success, PER-SE-VER-ANCE.

What’s that you say?


Yep! This blog post is dedicated to talking about perseverance and why we need it in our lives, especially as mums. We usually have so much stuff going on at any given time, and everything and everyone pulling on us every given way. Accomplishing our personal tasks and reaching our goals isn’t always easy…NOPE! It takes work. But with our energy levels and tanks always running low….We Need What? PERSEVERANCE and Lots of it!

Ok, let’s break it down a little. What is perseverance and why is it the key to success as some call it?

According to Merriam Webster dictionary:

Perseverance [is the] continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition

In other words, we are talking about your determination for any given thing.

We are looking at your level of loyalty?

Just how committed are you?

What sacrifices are you willing to make for it?

We are talking about your having to stand up to all the “No Matter Whats…”

No matter what or who tries to stop you….

No matter how you may be feeling about the current state of the situation…

No matter the opinions that others may have about it or your efforts…

No matter how tired you may be feeling…

NO matter if it doesn’t look like you are winning…

NO matter if the end goal looks soooo far away…

It Means NO MATTER What…You Will Stick To Your Goal Until You Have Accomplished It!

It means wanting to do something so badly that you literally Never Give Up On It, Period! NO MATTER WHAT.

Understanding perseverance is admitting that the road to success is not easy. Don’t get me wrong, for some people or for some things, it might be. However, there are some occasions when it is definitely hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and that’s when your level of perseverance matters most. That’s when it really counts. That’s when the questions roll in and your reassess why you are even trying. That’s when if you will be successful is determined; in that state, When you are usually alone, and feeling lonely, and believing that no one understands.

Yep…this is when this characteristic is needed most and must shine through. Exactly when you need to ENDURE and remain STEADFAST.

So when you are applying for that job and keep getting those “thank you for your application emails” or worst yet, you gets no notifications…..PERSEVERE.

When you go up for that promotion and you are skipped over for this reason or that, or worst yet, for no reason at all…MAKE A NEW GAME PLAN.

When you are trying to Balance it all, home responsibilities and professional task, JUST KEEP GOING.

Everyday won’t feel like a win but if you quit and give up on your dream, it will definitely be a loss.

Persevere and in due time, Everything will work out because you know what…THEY ALWAYS DO, and Usually in your favour.

NO MATTER how many twists or wrong turns, no matter if you have to stop for gas a few additional times, just stay on course. The goal is not who gets there first but who finishes. Completion. Which will only happen once your goal has been accomplished, so stick it out, Persevere. NO MATTER WHAT-DON’T GIVE UP On YOURSELF. YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES AND THAT YOU WORK FOR.

With that, I look forward to your wonderful comments below. Don’t forget to share this blog post with someone you care about, anyone you just want to encourage. Share it, and spread the love.

Dr. U
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Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!