Get To Know Me

Get To Know Me

The Wife and Mother

My husband and I became friends in graduate school and married a few years later. Now about 5 yrs into our union, we are parents to 3 kids: a teenage son that I gladly call my own, a daughter that became an angel soon after birth, and another daughter that’s now considered a toddler. We are set to have a new addition to our family by the end of spring this year and are happily growing together as a family. I’m working this role with no manual and sometimes I question if I’m going down the right path. Guess we’ll see…

Spring Baby Coming Soon!
Dr. Mum

The Woman and Career

I am currently a stay-at-home mum who refers to herself as Dr. Mum. I have a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Pathology and my graduate research focused on infectious diseases. My training was largely in basic sciences and was heavily laboratory-based. I am now interested in transitioning into a career away from the laboratory bench. I believe that all the skills I obtained and enhanced during my doctoral studies are transferable and should help me as I make this career-shift, let’s hope the powers that be agree!

Where am I now Career-wise?

Stage 1: Trying to figure out my entry point.


My Hobbies and Happy Places

The one thing I do every single day without missing a beat is dancing💃, dancing 💃, dancing 💃, I’m a dancing machine! Shout out to the Jackson 5😀. I love love love to move my body to the rhythm of a beat. It literally changes my mood, elevating me to a place of pure bliss.

I dabble with arts and crafts and DIYs. I knit, sew, crochet, make headboards, all of it. I love working with my hands and seeing my ideas come to life. I also enjoy trying to recreate something that somebody else created and putting my own little twist to it.

Last but not least, I enjoy reading and writing. For reading material, I gravitate towards motivational/ inspirational materials. However, I also don’t mind a good drama, comedy, or educational material on various topics. As for writing, I keep a “not so daily” journal and I write poems, and what I call emotion/moment-inspired pieces that I hope to also share with you.


Sewing Fun!

Hope you feel like you know me a little better now. Comment below and let me know what you we have in common. Also join the U In Mum Team to stay updated on new posts.

Dr. U
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5 years ago

Hi, cousin! I am very proud of you!!


[…] I first started this website and blog, I was pregnant, my spring baby was loading. I wasn’t sure how the website and blog would be received but I knew it was a project I wanted to […]

Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!