Living With Loss

Living With Loss

October is National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month.  As a mum who has an angel baby, I really wanted to share some of my sentiments and help to promote support for other parents who have  also experienced loss. The post below is from the U IN MUM Instagram Page earlier this month. On that day, I found the words and the strength. Take a look at it.

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A pain like none other A hurt that forever lingers The loss of a child, that is no longer with us The parents who waited so anxiously in hopes of one day meeting him/her The family who prayed for things to turn around, begging please, please, get better No one will ever know the answer To why such an innocent soul had to pass and is gone forever A dream that only a mother’s heart understands A love that will forever grow stronger Hoping and praying for an eventual reunion A child, a mother, all family and friends, a perfect picture Remembering all the pregnancy and infant loss that caused so much pain Praying for your hearts, your minds, your wombs once again If you must grieve in silence, that’s fine too If you prefer to grieve among family and friends, do what you do Feel what you feel It’s okay for things not to be the same Because when you lost your pregnancy or infant, you also lost a piece of U Know that U are supported Know that U are not alone Reach out for help, any time U are feeling overwhelmed Your loved one is not forgotten, especially not by U Hold on to all your memories, let them help to soothe U. 💕Dr. U U IN MUM Website: Tag line: Promoting a holistic living for mums everywhere #uinmum #pregnancyloss #pregnacylossawareness #infantloss #infantlossawareness #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness #greiving #grievingmother #greivingmothers #greivingparents #greivingfamily #grievingfriends #youarenotalone

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To all parents of angel babies, Know That YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

We celebrate this month, but we know that our angel babies are always in our hearts, each and every day.

We know that we will cherish those precious moments we shared, each and every second of our lives for years to come.

We know that we will continue to remember our little ones, well after this month is over.

We know that even though we may have other babies, there are not replacements for our angel babies who will always hold a special place in our hearts and minds.  

A virtual hug and warm-thoughts from my heart to yours!

Dr. U
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Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!