Time is Precious: Enjoy Every Moment

Time is Precious: Enjoy Every Moment

I often think of the saying…Time is Precious, or another common one .. Don’t Waste Time.

Time is often referenced but also often not given much thought. I think like me, most people go through life with a certain level of expectancy. We expect things to relatively stay the same. We expect our loved ones to always be available. We expect life to pretty much change when we are the ones causing the change, like when we decide to move to a new place or get a new job or have a baby. We never really expect things that are not good to happen, such as illness, or death or accidents.

I believe that this mindset of expectancy strongly influences our concept of time, the way we view it, the way we use it.

Without expecting anything out of our control to happen, in a way are expecting to always have time to do what we want, time to mold our destiny, time to fix what needs to be fixed.

The truth is, we are all on borrowed time or should I say, limited time. None of us knows when our last day will be, yet we push those things that matters most to us to the side too often than not because, of our thinking that we’ll have time to get to it later.

This blog post was simply a way for me to pose questions regarding time to you and to myself. Questions that include:  What if later never comes? What if the time you have now, as your Now, is all the time you can truly account for and count on? What if you actually believed that your days were numbered with a definite end date known as the day of your death?

If you knew all the answers to the questions above, would you move differently? Would you still delay the things that mattered to you? Would you still be spending your TIME the way that you are currently spending it?

This past week, I was again reminded two different times, by two different quotes to cherish every moment, to value my time more, to really take inventory of how I’m spending my time, on what? With whom?

I was reminded that the moments worth cherishing are created by how we spend our time. One of the quotes I read was sent directly to my inbox and the other I came across while scrolling on a social media platform. Both had the same effect on me, both gave me pause.

Take a look at them below, and I hope they help you step back and rethink how you spend your time and help you reframe your concept of time in general.   

 Quote 1: “Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment in life. “- Unknown

Quote 2:  “Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you’ll never get the same moment twice”- Unknown

Wishing you a wonderful life filled with moments that you cherish and hoping that you too are taking time to enjoy the precious moments of life! 😊

Comment below, share with me any thoughts you had after reading this post. I’m looking forward to reading your comments.

Dr. U
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Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!