Spring is Here, Spend Time Outside

Spring is Here, Spend Time Outside

Spring is here! It’s time to start spending more time outside. Daylight is lasting longer and the weather is getting warmer.

On the first day of spring, after a family car ride because we are one of those families that enjoy riding around😁, we came home and I really did not want to go inside.

I sat in the car a little longer, I listened to the birds, I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin, and in that moment, I decided to stay outside and continue to enjoy simply being outside.

I got my outdoor recliner, grabbed a book and a blanket because it was still a bit chilly, especially in the shade, but it felt wonderful in the direct sunlight.  

I camped outside for a while and the best part, I was outside, All By Myself, Enjoying The Always Welcomed Alone Time.

I continued to listen to the birds chirping, and the wind whistling. I admired the butterflies that occasionally fluttered above my head before eventually landing on the green grass that glistened in the sun.  

I was in bliss, the only thing that would have made the time more peaceful would have been the sound of flowing water because I love the peace it brings me. What can I say? I am an Aquarius and I love water.

However, even without the sounds of flowing water, the rest of nature’s sounds gave me the peace I yearned but didn’t realize I needed at the time.

This was after a week-long game of the sun and the clouds playing peek-a-boo, with the sun doing a really great job at hiding.

The first day of spring was such a precious gift and I treasured it.

As I sit here writing this blog post, I’m reminded of a recent message that I was sent, that contained a reminder for me to “stop and smell the roses.”

Looking back now on that day, I can truly say that I did just that. I was truly present in the moment and took the time to express gratitude for so many things in my life including, the fact that I woke up, in good health, and was surrounded by loved-ones though I was happy to be practicing self-care and spending time with myself😊.

Two takeaways from that day: 1. Spend Time Outside. 2. Spend Time with Yourself.

If you need help with the latter, check out this blog post about taking baby steps towards better self-care.

With many people working remotely and reduced socializing because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy for some people to spend much more time inside than they previously did pre-pandemic, some can even go day(s) inside, never even stepping foot outside without realizing it.  I hope that this blog post serves as a reminder for all of us to make an earnest effort to spend more time outside. To enjoy the vitamin D the sun gives us. To change our scenery even if is just walking slowly to the mailbox or to take out the trash (walk slowly, look up, look around, spread your arms wide, feel the wind blow between your fingers). Little changes can make a world of difference, I know it did for this mum😁.

That moment of quiet in the sun (with the occasional engines humming and plane flying overhead and car alarm beeping), on the first day of spring, was one of the best self-care days I’ve had, and I’m looking forward to spending more time outside and I hope U do also.

That’s all folks!

I just wanted to share a little story about how I spent my first day of spring and to encourage U to take advantage of the all the beautiful weather and days of sunlight we have ahead. 

Leave me a comment about what U like most of spring, and your self-care plans that involves time

Dr. U
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QueenEsther Ekanem
QueenEsther Ekanem
3 years ago

My first day of spring was spent at the office. I decided to step out of my internal office and work from the front office with all glass doors and windows, where I could still feel the sun and beauty of the day. I have to say, working from the front office always makes me feel lighter, less pressure of a managers’ responsibilities I feel daily, more available to my clients, more creative on customer service, less on management. Experiencing a little of the sun, even though not directly, made me feel good and not left out from the first day of spring beauty. This 2021, I have committed myself to going hiking or to the beach weekly. Get some sunlight or as the cool kids say, get some tan :), spend sometime alone and really focus on self care. I need to make up for all the sunlight I missed in 2020.

Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!