Self-Care: Wake Up and Live

Self-Care: Wake Up and Live

Wake Up and Live Like Your Time Is Limited.

I don’t mean to sound grim but I do want to pose this question to you, are you really living?

I often ask myself, what would I do if I knew my days were numbered and the countdown had begun?

Like if I went to the doctor and I was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and given an approximation of how much time I had left in this world.

Who would I talk to, what would take most of my time?

What would I absolutely have to get done?

I really don’t know exactly what I would do. I just know that people would be up there on my list.

Laughing with my family and friends. The conversations that never end. The interactions that began years ago that are still lasting today. I know that I would want to spend as much time around my loved ones as possible.

I love people!

I have buried loved ones. I have had colleagues gone too soon. I know I would want to enjoy the precious moments,  and relish in the things that makes each one of us unique.

You see, human kind is the same and different. Each one of us has something that only we can do. Although many of us share the same talents, our personality is something that I believe we were born with. I’ve spent some time around babies. I’ve watch as they grow into tiny human creatures. As a result of this experience, I believe that our personalities are part of our unique gifts, and something we should all be proud of.

I believe that even if two people, twins even,  go through all the same scenarios, the effect on both of them will be different. Their instincts, that inner voice will not always speak to both in the same tone. Their perspective, how they interpret what happened and how they allow it to influence their future decisions will not be identical. 

Something will be different, one will react or act differently at some point.

Who we are is what a lot of us spend time trying to discover. Yet, it’s the one thing that has always  been a part of us, deep within.

We need not try to discover ourselves, we only need to be comfortable in our skin. Self-acceptance, and self-love is where it all begins.

We all owe it to ourselves to be the only one on our team even if others refuse to join.

We are all here to fulfill our destiny.

Each one of us already has a purpose to live and that’s to love ourselves and show ourselves the best time ever.

I believe that if we truly love ourselves, they would be no room to hate others because it would be too toxic to our minds, our souls, our spirit. If we think a little deeper on this, we realize that whenever something is troubling us, it puts us in a bad mood. Often times, we all just want to retreat and be left alone. We truly only want to be around others when we ourselves are doing well, feeling well, and things are going well.

Most sick people don’t even like to tell others they are sick, it’s in our nature to want to deal with issues alone because we came into the world alone and will one day also leave alone.

You see, the world is filled with many people sharing the stage, performing solo acts. We sometimes bump into each other and may share a laugh or cry or anger. But in the end, no one else can truly affect your emotion or even steal your show, we are all too busy doing our own performance.

It’s weird to know yourself yet despise who you are. The empty hole can only be filled by one person, us because we are the only ones that truly knows what is within. Our mind, our body, our soul, our spirit, our hearts and all of that good stuff is all where our story begins.

As we write it or live as we call it, only we can change what will be written on the next pages.

Take ownership of your live.

Take pride in yourself.

Understand your worth.

Know that you are valuable. And live like you know only you can perform your solo act. No one else will ever be able to do it better than you.

So go, be free, perform! Don’t let your story be a drag. Do the things that bring you joy and excitement. Be the person you wish you were. Because why not?

Dr. U
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Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!