Postpartum Conversations: What you mean snapback?

Postpartum Conversations:  What you mean snapback?

What you mean snapback? I just birthed a whole human.

Losing weight after having a baby is not easy. Well, at least not for everybody. If you spend any time on social media, you’ll learn quickly about the snapback culture. What’s the snap back culture you ask? I’ll gladly explain it. The snapback culture is the idea that was put out there into the universe, that puts pressure on mums that spend 9+months in some cases growing a child in their womb, eating to sustain themselves and the growing child. Yet, after the child is born, the mother is then expected to magically drop all the baby weight and return to their pregnancy size in a matter of weeks. Some mums even take pictures days later giving birth, captioning it “snapback in progress.” 

This is the snapback culture and I Don’t Like It!

I was once a victim of this mentality. I would look in the mirror and not like what I saw. I would constantly find myself suffering from negative self-talk.  I would look at my clothes and instantly fall into depression because I couldn’t fit anything. If I managed to squeeze myself into it, I would hate the way it looked because I had rolls my body that my eyes weren’t used to.

It was very sad and I’m happy I was delivered from that way of thinking.

Now, I very easily recognize it and I try to steer other mums away from it.

Every time I see  anything along these lines, I’m usually like really….?

Oh No!


Please Don’t focus on weight loss….now?!

Like you just went through the most challenging experience, mind and body. You brought forth life that you literally sacrificed your body for. Yet, you are still feeling pressured as if what you just did wasn’t enough. You don’t feel accomplished and won’t feel accomplished until you have your pre-baby body back.

I feel really sad for them and really just want to send a lot of virtual hugs their way.

I really just want to say, you did good mum! Don’t worry about that weight.

I really want to say, let’s focus on your inner health. Eating the nutritious food that your body needs to heal. Let’s focus on getting enough rest because this too is a factor in your healing. Let’s focus on giving your body the proper care and attention so that you can have the fastest recovery.

Let’s change the narrative.

Let’s move the focus from looking good, to actually being healthy holistically.

Let’s promote more postpartum care.

Let’s not rush to get our pre-baby size back without first giving our bodies the proper time to heal.

They say no pain no gain…but let’s not suffer in vain.

Just because you postpartum check-up went ok, it doesn’t mean you should jump to start treating your body a certain way.

Take your time and in time, you can reshape your body to fit the new you.

Let’s allow the idea of what was go and lets focus on creating a new reality to show what is.

With that, Much Love to all the mums working on their full recovery and positive self-image.’s ok to not look like you used to because after going through the pregnancy and birth and postpartum, you are not the same person.

Don’t worry about snapping on leaping forward to your new vision of yourself. One that embraces the stitches, scars, rolls and stretch marks.

Self-love at its best.

As always, I’ll love to hear from you. Share your thoughts. Drop a comment below.

Dr. U
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Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!