Holiday Wishes: Kindness, Love, Care, Grace

Holiday Wishes: Kindness, Love, Care, Grace

It’s the end of the year, the holidays are upon us. So many emotions are in the air. Memories of good times, memories of sad times, the season is filled with triggers for so many different emotions.

Many people are focused on spending time with family, sharing gifts and showing people that they care.

Others are doing their best to hold it together, trying to be present though their minds may be drifting from thought to thought on so many different matters.

Still, this season can be a hurtful reminder for many of what once existed… jobs, relationships, loved ones. Many are experiencing grief and trying not to show it.

Also, we are living in very delicate times as the world is still suffering from a pandemic that many thought would not last this long. Although people appear to be adjusting better to the current atmosphere, with the wearing of masks and vaccine options for those 5 years of age and above, nothing can be said has fully returned back to normal.


Needless to say, this season, it is still especially important for everyone to show a little TLC to everyone that crosses their path. Yes, more Tender, Love and Care can go a long way especially as we never know what people are dealing with personally. Some people can be suffering from silent diseases that you would only know about if they shared it.

So please, this is a reminder for all of us to continue practicing and showing a little more kindness, and giving people a little more grace. A smile doesn’t take anything away from us but it can make a world of difference to someone who hasn’t seen one in a long time and may need some sprinkles of positivity.

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and many fun-filled moments today and everyday in the new year.

Also, as everything gets into full-swing, don’t forget your reminders that were posted on the U IN MUM Instagram account. If you shared it, they are also reposted below:

Don’t stress.

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Take lots of pictures.

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And remember that Tis’ always the season for Self-Care.

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Until the next post, take care of yourself.

Dr. U
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Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!