Don’t Become A Zombie Mummy, Get Some Sleep

Don’t Become A Zombie Mummy, Get Some Sleep

It is 4 am and I awaken to notice that my three-month old baby is lying across my body, asleep. Since it is the middle of the night, well, early morning, I assume that I breastfed her and dozed off while waiting for her to fall back asleep (which is dangerous, right? RIGHT!). So, I get up, and carry the baby to her crib where she continues to take her rest.

On the walk back to the bed to continue catching MY Zzz’s, it hits me… I HAD NO RECOLLECTION OF HOW I GOT TO THAT POINT.

I did not remember hearing my baby moving in her crib. I did not remember hearing her cry. I did not remember getting out of the bed, walking over to the crib. I did not remember picking her up, walking back to the bed. I did not even remember sitting up to breastfeed her, let alone, trying to burp her. And, I certainly had zero recollection of putting both legs in the bed, lying down with her across my chest and falling asleep.

So, naturally, I PANICKED!

It was bad enough that I fell asleep while holding her, but, in addition to all the concerns regarding co-sleeping, I realized that I had a lapse in memory and this, was HORRIFYING! I literally did not remember ANY part of it, I mean NOTHING, NADA, ZILCHHowever, I believed that all these things happened and this, people, is why I was FREAKING OUT. Even now, I shudder at the thought of it.

Prior to the occurrence of this incident, I thought Zombies were fictional, mere characters in novels and scary movies. But, NEWSFLASH, Zombies Are Not Just In horror stories, nooo, THEY EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD!

Now on to my confession:  I, Dr. U, Am A Zombie From Mummyland.

Yep. My secret is out and now you know it. I am a Zombie Mummy, THAT’S ME! It is very sad news and a terrible thing to admit to myself and to you. But, it’s true. Not only is it true, it is the only explanation for what I just told you. 

Don’t get me wrong, I have heard of people that sleep-walk. I’ve even been told that I sleep-talk. But… Sleep-Breastfeeding a Baby? Nope, never in my life have I heard of such a thing.

So, my sleep-breastfeeding experience was my ticket into Zombie Mummyland.


Also Why I Had To Interrupt The Pregnancy Series To Talk About Sleep And How It is A Big Part Of Self-Care.

I have mentioned it before, and I am saying it here again, It Is Difficult To Care For Others, If YOU DO NOT CARE FOR YOURSELF.

What happened to me is a prime example of how I dropped the ball and it had a ripple effect on everyone; every single person that relied on me.

My body needed rest, I knew it, but I ignored all the signs.

So, my body decided that it was going to take matters into its own hands. It actually probably wanted to shut down completely, but my subconscious didn’t let it happen because it knew that I still had to take care of the baby. So, I went through the motions, Very Absentmindedly, all because I had not been taking good care of myself. I endangered my baby and myself. I put others that share a bed with me in a dangerous position and risked something terrible occurring.

Bad, Very Bad.

From now on, I must and will do better and with that being said, I’m sooo grateful that nothing bad happened.

The End.

Of The Story…But, The Beginning Of 

My Mini-Rant/Public Service Announcement.

 I hope that my story really conveys to all the mums out there why the “U” IN MUM is important. Making ourselves a priority sometimes and taking our health more seriously is a MUST.


For those of you that don’t know that sleeping is an aspect of self-care, let me be your example of what could happen if you don’t take care of yourself this way. Please, I beg you, learn from my experience and Get Some Rest. SLEEP!

As mums, our schedules are jam-packed. We often times don’t get a chance to do the things that we NEED to do for ourselves. But, seriously, we cannot afford to wait until we find time to sleep. WE HAVE TO MAKE THE TIME. If it means putting it on a TO-DO List, then so be it. Whatever it takes to make it happen, Make It HAPPEN, SLEEP!

I strongly believe that with help and support from our loved ones and friends, we can morph back to our human forms.

Ok, I’m officially done with my story/mini-rant/public service announcement.

Leave a comment below if you are a fellow Zombie Mummy on the way to recovery or if you are a supporter of Zombies from Mummyland showing some love to all the mums out there.

Thank you!

Dr. U
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QueenEsther Ekanem
QueenEsther Ekanem
4 years ago

Haha! this is funny. You just made Zombies acceptable in my world because Lord knows I do not like zombie or any form of scary thing/movies. I really do not understand how you mums do it. Good thing is your baby has no idea what happened. As long as she is fed and asleep, she is good. Thank you for sharing and giving me a insight of what I need to prepare for when I become a mum.

Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!