Exercising During the Coronavirus Quarantine: The Benefits

Exercising During the Coronavirus Quarantine: The Benefits

While in quarantine because of the coronavirus disease, I, like the rest of the world, looked for ways to comfort myself. For me, that included eating. I started eating a lot more than usual and definitely not what nutritionist would consider healthy snacks. I got on the corona diet and talked about it here. The virus has not only affected my eating habits, which I noticed through changes in my physical appearance but it has also affected my mind, and mood which of course was to be expected.

One of my “work in progress” in creating a new norm for myself has been to increase my physical activity. This change means waking up earlier and exercising first thing in the morning. I work out in my living room. I pick a dance workout from youtube, which I also talked about here in my plan of action. After my workout, I take a moment to breathe the morning air outside. I make myself be present in nature. I hear the birds singing. I see the squirrels running. I feel the wind blowing. I watch the leaves on the tree move. I’ve been doing this everyday for several days now and WOW…What A Difference It’s Made!

This routine has touched several areas of self-care for me, my physical health being the most obvious. Because I’m exercising and moving my body, doing what we were created to do, my clothes are beginning to fit a little better. I’ve got more room to zip up that dressJ and button up that skirt. I’m even sleeping better. Waking up feeling more rested.

I’ve also noticed a difference in my emotional health. I’m more relaxed; because my body is releasing those feel good hormones, endorphins. I’m happier because I’m doing something I love, dancing. I’m excited because I see myself slowly accomplishing my goal everyday that I show up for myself.

My mental health is benefiting as well. For one, this gives me time alone with my thoughts because I’m up earlier than everyone else. I’ve been experiencing REAL Quiet Moments. You mums know what I’m talking about; much different from being in a different room but still in earshot of tiny voices saying mummy, mummy, mummyJ. I’ve been able to take the time to be present in the moment after my workouts. I sit outside and observe and feel what is happening around me. Is it hot or pleasant? Is the air dry, or humid? Is it super windy or a nice occasional breeze? Does it look like it’s gonna rain or is it sunny? Point is… I’m present in the moment and That Has Been AWESOME! It has helped me to fill my tank at the start of the day and it has also helped me to set the tone for the day. I reflect, I set my intentions, and jot down my plan of action for the day.

All in all, I see only good things happening as a result of exercising during this pandemic and I just wanted to share my experiences so far. I know people usually focus on physical changes, namely weight loss. But in my experience, I’m benefitting so much beyond shedding some pounds, a real bonus, bonus.

Hope this inspires you to get started on your personal goals or motivates you to keep going knowing that you are not alone. No matter what you have to do, show up for yourself. Even if you don’t have all the tools, use what you have and make it work. Hey…those baby shoes on the feature image have been my light weights on my body toning days. No excuses, no quitting. You got this boo! Start reaping the benefits today!

Dr. U
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4 years ago

Morning walks are so good for me.

Dr. U

Hola! I'm Utibe also known as Dr. U. I am sharing my experiences as a wife and mother, as well as a woman starting her career. My goal is to live a more holistic life, Join Me!